Speaking engagements

Event date: 
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 (All day) - Thursday, December 9, 2010 (All day)
Federated Press Conference - 17th Intranets for Corporate Communications

An effective intranet design is one that is perceived as being of value by both employees and stakeholders. There is a significant amount of planning involved when designing an intranet experience no matter if it is a new build, redesign or new feature. It typically requires cross-department collaboration, management of a multidisciplinary team and implementation, marketing/communication and training plan. This session will provide you with:

Event date: 
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Drupal in Government Ottawa Showcase

The Drupal in Government Ottawa Showcase is organized & sponsored by OpenConcept and brings together over 75 people and 15 government departments represented to learn about how and why public servants are using Drupal effectively to communicate. My talk was on the use of Drupal for an Intranet site with social networking capabilities (Facebook style, blogging & video) and the usage of MediaWiki.

Date: June 15, 2010
Conference: Drupal in Government Ottawa Showcase - Change comes to Ottawa
Topic: Drupal for a Social Networking Intranet

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